Home – A Brief Summary of SOS: Simplicity of Soul

Our souls are palpably real and meant to work in tandem with our intellect now, not as some ethereal possibility for use after life. The soul exists as the strongest, most effective tool at your disposal for creating an abundant, environmentally kind and wonder-filled life for yourself and everyone you know. Simply.  Beautifully. Effectively.
The ethereal and powerful soul is an active tool in the body.

How do I know this? Years ago, a Being–I want to say, God or the Holy Spirit, because this Being was indeed the Creator of Existence–gifted me with contact for mere seconds of time, in motion and communication through my soul.

At the time, I was unaware that I had made a soul connection. First of all, the contact terrified me, so I kept quiet.  As a result, it took decades for me to overcome fear and distill the meaning of this experience. Now, that I understand the importance of my encounter, which is especially relevant in today’s world, I feel driven to share the profound truth of my experience.

Simply: Our souls exist as tools residing within us intended to assist in achieving our goals and dreams through our highest good.  This is Soul Thinking.  I intend to show how using this inborn gift of soul as a tool, creates abundance in perfect symmetry with our world. This site offers insights from my soul experience through podcasts and blog posts.

SOS invites you to adjust your worldview and incorporate Soul Thinking as a vital, third dimension of existence, which for most of us goes untapped. This resource  exists to fuel our talents and is already integrated into our being. In addition, Soul Thinking creates a complete understanding of our combined earthly and spiritual presence. Soul thinking eliminates fear and generates excitement for pursuing our dreams.

Finally, let me share my story with you. Take a moment to listen to my podcasts. Read the blogs.  Let me show you how perfect and effective our lives are meant to be through Soul Thinking. To live soulful lives is our inheritance. It is who we are, and why we were born.  The answer is that simple.