SOS: The Evolution of Soul Thinking

Human Evolution is now ready for Soul Thinking
We have come so far on life’s journey!

The Evolution of Soul Thinking

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Today I am excited to discuss the evolution of soul thinking, and how our souls must now play an integral role in our human evolution. I believe that we, as a species, are not only ready for, but need to employ soul thinking to fulfill the world of beauty, wonder and success that fills our dreams.

Now, soul thinking is not new. The term is. I use the term, soul thinking, because as I described in previous podcasts, I experienced my encounter with that incredible Being all those years ago through my soul. My body stayed in place as my soul took flight. I learned, simply and immediately  on that amazing adventure, that my soul is physically real and the answer to everything lay in seeing the world through the eyes of my soul. Or, in other words, through the eyes of Love.

History’s greatest spiritual teachers, and today’s spiritual teachers employed, and continue to employ soul thinking in their approach to the world. The only difference I want to emphasize is that the soul is not a passive concept, but a powerful tool through which we are meant to achieve our dreams, now!

Imagine your body as the car your soul drives. Currently, most of the world functions on two levels, Ego and Intellect. Meaning our bodies (or the actions we take) are driven by either the ego, the intellect, or a combination of both. What I learned is that thinking from the soul completes the perfect trilateral use of Intellect, Ego and Soul required to contribute to the world we were born to create. The missing link to Humanity’s success is already within us! Simply adding the soul as a barometer in ego and intellect decision-making, creates the complete vehicle for human perfection.

This statement may sound simplistic, but think about it. Once we truly understand our soul’s purpose for use in our lives, the puzzle pieces to enhancing so many economic, societal and ecological concerns fit into place.

Viewing life through the eyes of Love does not make one weak, submissive, or unable to function powerfully in business or society. On the contrary, conducting life through soul thinking means that decisions come from courage, wisdom and clear vision, which replace ego-based motives, such as fear, greed, and/or a need to win at another’s expense. Conducting life with courage, wisdom and compassion generates intellect, satisfaction and prosperity to whatever degree a person desires. Success is good. (We all know that.) Profit is good. (We all know that.) A bountiful earth is good. (We all need that!) The difference between success and profit earned with most of today’s business models and success and profit earned through soul thinking is that through soul thinking, everyone prospers, and no one loses—including the planet.

My husband, Michael, and I own a cigar bar in Vero Beach. Cigar smokers are a rare breed, and the majority of our customers and friends are accomplished entrepreneurs who enjoy thought-provoking and empowering conversation. Needless to say, I was fascinated by their reactions when I suggested soul thinking as the missing link to successful, healthy and continuous enterprise. These men adamantly declared that my suggestion was utopian and unachievable. They claimed that the survival instinct ingrained in our basic human nature generates greed and competition to win at all costs. They believe humanity is wired to compete to the finish, and the world community will never gain enough trust among people to accept a co-creative environment.

I expected such a reply. Of course, they—and I can imagine many politicians, educators and leaders of industry—would say the same with as much emotion as these men. Carried throughout history, most of today’s businesses, centers for learning, and political agendas achieve results through ego-driven models for success. Driven by the fear of lack, or ultimately, an unconscious fear of death, success is gained by out-thinking, out-maneuvering and conquering the competition. Winning at all costs, and changing laws and rules to accomplish this goal supersedes conscientious decision-making.

Competitive achievement taps the primal thrill of the hunt, which is heady and stimulating. Even if the outcome is productive and/or profitable, fear based, ego-driven success earned at the expense of someone or something else, like the destruction of a competing business or polluting the environment, is not sustainable. Under this model, success erodes over time. And, we are witnessing these effects today, economically, socially and environmentally.

How can we change this approach? Like weeds in a garden, the source needs to be dug out by the roots. Humanity’s roots in history are based on two major precepts: Creationism, the belief that God created man in his image, and Darwinism, which is the belief man evolved as a species. Neither of these views considers the soul as an integrated tool in the human fabric. I will address how soul thinking, applied to these current views on man’s beginning can drastically change man’s future.

Regarding Creationism: What if our erroneous approach to success is rooted in the spiritual story of Adam and Eve? Could it be that competitive achievement began with Adam and Eve believing they were driven from the Garden of Eden because they fell from God’s esteem? If this religious story describing the “fall of man” is taken as truth, then I say, yes, accepting the fear-based thinking that Adam and Eve fell from grace and were driven from Eden absolutely is mistaken, Ego-created thought. Why do I say this?  Because from my soul encounter with the Being I described in previous podcasts, I am convinced God would NEVER have a negative or punitive reaction to anything he creates. God is absolute and complete Love. Love only creates perfection. Love cannot comprehend negativity. And, most importantly, love honors free will.

From my soul-based insights, I truly believe that Adam and Eve never departed Eden. I suggest our “first” parents remained in Eden, but were blinded to that fact because they chose to abandon their soul connection to God, or Creation, if that term makes you more comfortable, in favor of accepting the doubts and questions generated by their awakening ego.

The “Tree of Knowledge” in my opinion is symbolic for requiring proof instead of living by trust. And, I suggest that the serpent that enticed Eve to “eat fruit from the tree of knowledge” was actually the awakening ego. The ego, this new and powerful tool ingrained in man’s being, became too overwhelming for Adam and Eve to control. Trust in God seemed too fragile to accept because suddenly so many questions and fears seemed impossible to answer and appeared greater than that simple concept of Trust (without proof). Adam and Eve cut their connection to God and Creation by losing their Trust and accepting fear. God did not punish them. Once they accepted the “fruit”, or the doubts plaguing them, their egos claimed they deserved punishment–and they believed it–with all the fears and doubts the ego generated.

An analogy I use for Adam and Eve losing Eden would be as if God stood on a shore in Eden and watched them climb onto a ship and sail away. All he could do was know they would come back someday—and His waiting continues all the way up to today. No punishment, just undying love for us. As his creation, God honors our free will, so God simply continues to create, giving us the choice to create alone, through ego-driven thought which currently will destroy us, or awaken back to Him through our soul connection and create our world perfectly through Him. Or, in other words, Him manifesting through us.

From my encounter with that amazing being who contained not one iota of negativity, I feel confident in saying that if God created Adam and Eve, there is absolutely no way He ever would have punished, or driven them from Eden. God simply spoke a truth about their new world perspective when they abandoned their souls for their awakened egos.

Again, when Adam and Eve accepted their insistent and attractive ego without trusting their soul connection to God, they became dominated by doubt and fear. They consciously stepped away from understanding their sublime soul connection to God in their ability to create. In other words, their perfection and their soul connection to God became obscured by doubt. And, understandably so. The ego is a heady enticer, not only mentally, but physically. Ego created doubts and fears generate adrenaline surges in the body, which become addictive. I can guarantee that most people are unaware of this adrenaline addiction actively at use every day within their bodies.  .  . We call this drama .  .  . need I say more??

Consider the possibility that since the ego first spoke within man’s mind creating the duality of good and evil, we have been fed misinformation about the existence of evil, when in truth, only good exists.

I believe we, as a species, created evil from fear rising in our own minds. Once separated from the soul connection with Eden, humanity felt frightened, naked and separate. Think of the biblical rendition of the first children of Adam and Eve, the brothers, Cain and Able. Cain kills his brother out of jealousy. When questioned as to his brother’s whereabouts, he replies, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

The belief in lack initiated man’s downfall from the beginning. Why? Because the belief in lack is mistaken thinking. There is no lack. Our fear of death has caused competition, hoarding and greed. When the concept of abundance is embraced, we feel excited to know we are our own, each other’s and the planet’s keepers, simply by being our pure, soulful selves. When man was given dominion over the earth, the gift was a huge responsibility requiring courage, truth and love—not a mindless rampage over the world to achieve “what we want at all costs” because humans are the highest order. THAT is ego thinking at its highest form!

Returning to soul thinking will get us back on track.

Simply stated, our unique talents across every culture are meant to work together to create abundance. The planet is perfectly capable to sustain each and every one of us once we understand our own purpose on this earth. Using our intellect to ignite our souls and control our egos will achieve perfection in all aspects of our lives.

Now, let’s briefly examine the Darwinian approach to human evolution. Imagine that classic, scientific portrait of man evolving from primate status walking on feet and knuckles to finally standing erect. While our human ancestors are said to have been around for nearly six million years, humans supposedly evolved about 200,000 years ago.

History records the Stone Age at 60,000 BC and civilization as we know it began about 6,000 years ago. The Industrial Age began only a tad over 200 years ago! So much has changed for the better throughout the ages, yet so much physical, psychological, and spiritual debris lays in progress’s wake. We hear enough on the news and in the media to know something is very wrong in the direction humanity is headed.

What was, and continues to be, the greatest downfall throughout all the ages is that fear remains the driving force behind all innovative, intellectual, spiritual and technological growth. Each age, while moving forward in man’s development, systematically and consistently viewed the world through ego-based, fear-driven thought, which melded one era into the next by sacrificing lives and cultures of the less powerful to achieve dominance. The motive? You may say power and wealth, but those motives boil down to simply wanting to feel safe. Even today, the world’s global powers are motivated to garner wealth over human welfare in order to feel safe, all in the name of progress.

And this is the sadness behind progress throughout the ages. Inventing, constructing, finding cures, financial acquisitions, and so on, conducted through ego-driven thought, create progress but at a high price to humanity and the planet. Our eroding well-being is now visible with the fraying state of our planet. Never mind terrorism, political views, greed, cultural inequality or starvation. If we deplete and destroy planet resources, we won’t have a planet to sustain near-future generations, let alone maintain conflicts over diversifying beliefs. Please understand that I am not trying to instill fear. On the contrary, my intention is to instill understanding of the truth, and eliminate fear as a motivational tool.

We have come so far in our evolution, yet so much has not changed.
We are ready for so much more in our lives!

Fear, and need for survival brought the original humans from trees and caves to explore their world, but fear also supplied clubs and weapons turned on each other to survive. The ages have brought amazing growth with awful destruction in their wake. Explicit needs spawned new inventions, beliefs, cultural development, but many times at the expense of fellow men, animals and the planet. Everything wonderful in man’s evolution continues to become tainted with toxic by-products of fear: pollution, persecution, crime, greed, disease, etc. The more “sophisticated” humanity becomes with today’s thinking, the more danger rises among all the good accomplished.

Ecologically, mounting islands of plastic floating in the oceans kill wildlife while threatening never to decompose. And plastics, while invented in the late 1800’s, didn’t become widespread in use until about only 60 years ago.

I cannot swim in the beautiful Indian River running along my current home town due to pollution from sewage and fertilizer run-off. The continued use of fossil fuels decimate the air we breathe. Pesticides are killing not only us, but birds and our precious bees needed to pollinate our crops. Genetically modified foods. Bio-hazardous chemicals. Even, preservatives in goods and foods are just a few more arrows in the sizeable quiver of planetary destruction we have created. Why? Once again because we, as a species, evolved into daily activities from a fear-based, or worse, unconscious world view—carrying on without even understanding or caring about the ecological trauma we create.

Now, let’s say the ego, as a fear-motivated, primitive tool for early humans, served its purpose during those “formative” years as protection against harsh climates, raiding tribes, and dangerous animals. As the centuries progressed and humanity evolved, so did the ego. Only, the ego grew stronger when it should have quieted. But, the ego, like the soul, is an entity within us that wishes to survive. As I said before, it does so at the expense of its carrier—and when ego thinking floods masses of people, major destruction occurs. Think of the Crusades, Slavery throughout man’s history, the Holocaust, for example.  The ego was most certainly instrumental in encouraging the arrogance that expanded empires by dividing, conquering and claiming ownership of unwilling dominions through violence and subjugation. We recall these events as history. Yet, empire after empire expired because they were founded on violence and fear. And the same subjugation continues today, if not physically through war then economically through commerce. Shall we not learn from history?

Human evolutions requires the Ego to become more silent.
Albert Einstein’s

We are now at a point in our evolution where living an ego-driven life for survival is no longer in Humanity’s best interest. Our understanding of technology, economics, and medicine, to name a few, should suffice in removing the terror of survival generated by the ego. Our intellect should be showing us that we can and may, if soul driven, use what we know to create abundance for all. Ego-driven thinking has become a careening vehicle about to take humanity over the precipice of annihilation. Soul thinking will halt the momentum.

Now, from a Darwinian perspective, I believe that humanity has evolved enough and become wise enough to recognize soul thinking as the answer to our continued co-existence with the earth. The same goes with the Creationist viewpoint. We can turn evil “off,” simply by using free will to control the ego and refuse to accept fear-based thinking, which initiated our “fall from grace” in the first place.

Let me repeat this once more: We, as human beings, can turn evil “off” simply by using free will to control the ego and refuse to accept fear-based thinking.It’s as simple as that.

Silencing the ego will take effort, but once one is aware of the internal chatter that consumes much of our waking time when we are not focused, the ego becomes easy to address—and silence.

Unless an answer to a problem enhances our physical and spiritual world, the choice should be reconsidered over and over again, until there is no negative impact. This is soul thinking. This is the approach so many of today’s young entrepreneurs and inventors are asking today’s leaders to employ. In fact, young thinkers are adopting the logic behind soul thinking into new technology, inventions and solutions, many times unknowing that they are tapping soul thinking. We should listen to our children. They are soul-evolving and smarter than we are in so many ways!

By investing in trust and instilling a belief that everything works out—because it does—results will be achieved universally and with excitement and success. By eliminating fear and trusting in understanding, the Earth will reappear as the Garden of Eden she is, and always was. Just look at a photo of the planet taken from space. The Earth is a phenomenon. The time has come to change history for ourselves, for future generations, and for the planet by calming the ego and employing soul thinking to reconnect with Creation. Simply switching gears to soul thinking will initiate solutions to overcome all existing adversities with today’s technology, global trade, and community awareness, be it across the street or across the planet.

I’m sure all this rhetoric is not new to you. But perhaps opening your eyes to the awareness that ego-driven fear propels the wrong decisions in our world, may be new information. I want to say once more that by engaging the soul to participate in every, single decision we make as individuals and a society, this downward spiral will halt shockingly fast.

The first challenge will be in getting folks to tap into their souls. Given the centuries of history behind humanity functioning from an ego-driven world view, task seems nearly impossible, especially since the soul is intangible. Yet, the ego, which has been accepted and described in so many psychological papers also is intangible. For reasons I cannot fathom, the soul has been ignored. I submit that on an evolutionary level, we have arrived. I believe humanity has evolved enough that fear is no longer necessary as a tool for survival. As a species, soul thinking is our new evolution. Once soul thinking is employed, fear will dissolve! All aspects of living will make sense. The results? An exciting, abundant and generous world where each of us, simply by who we are, combine our talents to create meaningful and joy-filled lives—which is why we were born on this jewel of a planet in the first place.

Start now. Quiet your mind, even if for a few seconds after listening to this podcast. In the silence, greet your soul and simply feel. You will feel the calm. From this point of stillness, your ability to create flows strongest. Your soul is always listening, always waiting to work for you. You will soon learn to recognize answers that arrive from soul initiated inquiry. Use your education, your inborn talents, your personality. Then, instill faith in the power of the soul and you will have all you need. Any hardships will take on a new meaning for learning. Abundance will come. I see soul-filled results daily and continue to be surprised every time I receive an answer. What a gift!

Thank you, once more, for taking the time to consider my thoughts. Do not hesitate to email me with any comments or question. You can reach me at Until then, greet each other through the eyes of your soul. I promise. You’ll see more than you ever expected.