If I had the answers, would you listen?

After writing fiction for these past years, I am taking the leap into the non-fiction arena. I’ve dreamed of writing since I was in eighth grade, but the fire  for teaching a philosophy of living to achieve our unique and individual passions lit for me in my twenties. Yet, it took me all this time to finally write what is burning within  me. Why? Because writing romance and women’s fiction is safe. Expected. Accepted. What I want to say . . .  well, not so much.
To Leap or Not to Leap?

So, why take such a leap?

Because I experienced a metaphysical phenomenon almost 40 years ago that I could not explain easily to anyone without sounding like a complete and utter lunatic. Yet, for 38 years, this experience has percolated within me where I spent years of soul-searching and discussions with folks willing to listen. I kept coming up with the same conclusion. I can no longer care whether or not anyone thinks I’m insane. I must tell what I know.

What have I learned? There is no secret to personal success. The answer is so damned simple it’s embarrassing. Only, humanity has been going about it the wrong way.

I honestly believe that what I experienced can change the world. One person at a time. This may sound like grandiose global thinking, but given today’s technology, coupled with no fear and an open mind? Wow. Anything can happen.

So. For better or worse, I’m taking the leap. What If. . . I had the answer to your success, happiness, world peace, the end of hunger, poverty, war and the return to a pristine and healthy planet. Would you listen? I’m taking the chance that you will . . .