SOS: The Evolution of Soul Thinking

Human Evolution is now ready for Soul Thinking
We have come so far on life’s journey!

The Evolution of Soul Thinking

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Today I am excited to discuss the evolution of soul thinking, and how our souls must now play an integral role in our human evolution. I believe that we, as a species, are not only ready for, but need to employ soul thinking to fulfill the world of beauty, wonder and success that fills our dreams.

Now, soul thinking is not new. The term is. I use the term, soul thinking, because as I described in previous podcasts, I experienced my encounter with that incredible Being all those years ago through my soul. My body stayed in place as my soul took flight. I learned, simply and immediately  on that amazing adventure, that my soul is physically real and the answer to everything lay in seeing the world through the eyes of my soul. Or, in other words, through the eyes of Love.

History’s greatest spiritual teachers, and today’s spiritual teachers employed, and continue to employ soul thinking in their approach to the world. The only difference I want to emphasize is that the soul is not a passive concept, but a powerful tool through which we are meant to achieve our dreams, now!

Imagine your body as the car your soul drives. Currently, most of the world functions on two levels, Ego and Intellect. Meaning our bodies (or the actions we take) are driven by either the ego, the intellect, or a combination of both. What I learned is that thinking from the soul completes the perfect trilateral use of Intellect, Ego and Soul required to contribute to the world we were born to create. The missing link to Humanity’s success is already within us! Simply adding the soul as a barometer in ego and intellect decision-making, creates the complete vehicle for human perfection.

This statement may sound simplistic, but think about it. Once we truly understand our soul’s purpose for use in our lives, the puzzle pieces to enhancing so many economic, societal and ecological concerns fit into place.

Viewing life through the eyes of Love does not make one weak, submissive, or unable to function powerfully in business or society. On the contrary, conducting life through soul thinking means that decisions come from courage, wisdom and clear vision, which replace ego-based motives, such as fear, greed, and/or a need to win at another’s expense. Conducting life with courage, wisdom and compassion generates intellect, satisfaction and prosperity to whatever degree a person desires. Success is good. (We all know that.) Profit is good. (We all know that.) A bountiful earth is good. (We all need that!) The difference between success and profit earned with most of today’s business models and success and profit earned through soul thinking is that through soul thinking, everyone prospers, and no one loses—including the planet.

My husband, Michael, and I own a cigar bar in Vero Beach. Cigar smokers are a rare breed, and the majority of our customers and friends are accomplished entrepreneurs who enjoy thought-provoking and empowering conversation. Needless to say, I was fascinated by their reactions when I suggested soul thinking as the missing link to successful, healthy and continuous enterprise. These men adamantly declared that my suggestion was utopian and unachievable. They claimed that the survival instinct ingrained in our basic human nature generates greed and competition to win at all costs. They believe humanity is wired to compete to the finish, and the world community will never gain enough trust among people to accept a co-creative environment.

I expected such a reply. Of course, they—and I can imagine many politicians, educators and leaders of industry—would say the same with as much emotion as these men. Carried throughout history, most of today’s businesses, centers for learning, and political agendas achieve results through ego-driven models for success. Driven by the fear of lack, or ultimately, an unconscious fear of death, success is gained by out-thinking, out-maneuvering and conquering the competition. Winning at all costs, and changing laws and rules to accomplish this goal supersedes conscientious decision-making.

Competitive achievement taps the primal thrill of the hunt, which is heady and stimulating. Even if the outcome is productive and/or profitable, fear based, ego-driven success earned at the expense of someone or something else, like the destruction of a competing business or polluting the environment, is not sustainable. Under this model, success erodes over time. And, we are witnessing these effects today, economically, socially and environmentally.

How can we change this approach? Like weeds in a garden, the source needs to be dug out by the roots. Humanity’s roots in history are based on two major precepts: Creationism, the belief that God created man in his image, and Darwinism, which is the belief man evolved as a species. Neither of these views considers the soul as an integrated tool in the human fabric. I will address how soul thinking, applied to these current views on man’s beginning can drastically change man’s future.

Regarding Creationism: What if our erroneous approach to success is rooted in the spiritual story of Adam and Eve? Could it be that competitive achievement began with Adam and Eve believing they were driven from the Garden of Eden because they fell from God’s esteem? If this religious story describing the “fall of man” is taken as truth, then I say, yes, accepting the fear-based thinking that Adam and Eve fell from grace and were driven from Eden absolutely is mistaken, Ego-created thought. Why do I say this?  Because from my soul encounter with the Being I described in previous podcasts, I am convinced God would NEVER have a negative or punitive reaction to anything he creates. God is absolute and complete Love. Love only creates perfection. Love cannot comprehend negativity. And, most importantly, love honors free will.

From my soul-based insights, I truly believe that Adam and Eve never departed Eden. I suggest our “first” parents remained in Eden, but were blinded to that fact because they chose to abandon their soul connection to God, or Creation, if that term makes you more comfortable, in favor of accepting the doubts and questions generated by their awakening ego.

The “Tree of Knowledge” in my opinion is symbolic for requiring proof instead of living by trust. And, I suggest that the serpent that enticed Eve to “eat fruit from the tree of knowledge” was actually the awakening ego. The ego, this new and powerful tool ingrained in man’s being, became too overwhelming for Adam and Eve to control. Trust in God seemed too fragile to accept because suddenly so many questions and fears seemed impossible to answer and appeared greater than that simple concept of Trust (without proof). Adam and Eve cut their connection to God and Creation by losing their Trust and accepting fear. God did not punish them. Once they accepted the “fruit”, or the doubts plaguing them, their egos claimed they deserved punishment–and they believed it–with all the fears and doubts the ego generated.

An analogy I use for Adam and Eve losing Eden would be as if God stood on a shore in Eden and watched them climb onto a ship and sail away. All he could do was know they would come back someday—and His waiting continues all the way up to today. No punishment, just undying love for us. As his creation, God honors our free will, so God simply continues to create, giving us the choice to create alone, through ego-driven thought which currently will destroy us, or awaken back to Him through our soul connection and create our world perfectly through Him. Or, in other words, Him manifesting through us.

From my encounter with that amazing being who contained not one iota of negativity, I feel confident in saying that if God created Adam and Eve, there is absolutely no way He ever would have punished, or driven them from Eden. God simply spoke a truth about their new world perspective when they abandoned their souls for their awakened egos.

Again, when Adam and Eve accepted their insistent and attractive ego without trusting their soul connection to God, they became dominated by doubt and fear. They consciously stepped away from understanding their sublime soul connection to God in their ability to create. In other words, their perfection and their soul connection to God became obscured by doubt. And, understandably so. The ego is a heady enticer, not only mentally, but physically. Ego created doubts and fears generate adrenaline surges in the body, which become addictive. I can guarantee that most people are unaware of this adrenaline addiction actively at use every day within their bodies.  .  . We call this drama .  .  . need I say more??

Consider the possibility that since the ego first spoke within man’s mind creating the duality of good and evil, we have been fed misinformation about the existence of evil, when in truth, only good exists.

I believe we, as a species, created evil from fear rising in our own minds. Once separated from the soul connection with Eden, humanity felt frightened, naked and separate. Think of the biblical rendition of the first children of Adam and Eve, the brothers, Cain and Able. Cain kills his brother out of jealousy. When questioned as to his brother’s whereabouts, he replies, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

The belief in lack initiated man’s downfall from the beginning. Why? Because the belief in lack is mistaken thinking. There is no lack. Our fear of death has caused competition, hoarding and greed. When the concept of abundance is embraced, we feel excited to know we are our own, each other’s and the planet’s keepers, simply by being our pure, soulful selves. When man was given dominion over the earth, the gift was a huge responsibility requiring courage, truth and love—not a mindless rampage over the world to achieve “what we want at all costs” because humans are the highest order. THAT is ego thinking at its highest form!

Returning to soul thinking will get us back on track.

Simply stated, our unique talents across every culture are meant to work together to create abundance. The planet is perfectly capable to sustain each and every one of us once we understand our own purpose on this earth. Using our intellect to ignite our souls and control our egos will achieve perfection in all aspects of our lives.

Now, let’s briefly examine the Darwinian approach to human evolution. Imagine that classic, scientific portrait of man evolving from primate status walking on feet and knuckles to finally standing erect. While our human ancestors are said to have been around for nearly six million years, humans supposedly evolved about 200,000 years ago.

History records the Stone Age at 60,000 BC and civilization as we know it began about 6,000 years ago. The Industrial Age began only a tad over 200 years ago! So much has changed for the better throughout the ages, yet so much physical, psychological, and spiritual debris lays in progress’s wake. We hear enough on the news and in the media to know something is very wrong in the direction humanity is headed.

What was, and continues to be, the greatest downfall throughout all the ages is that fear remains the driving force behind all innovative, intellectual, spiritual and technological growth. Each age, while moving forward in man’s development, systematically and consistently viewed the world through ego-based, fear-driven thought, which melded one era into the next by sacrificing lives and cultures of the less powerful to achieve dominance. The motive? You may say power and wealth, but those motives boil down to simply wanting to feel safe. Even today, the world’s global powers are motivated to garner wealth over human welfare in order to feel safe, all in the name of progress.

And this is the sadness behind progress throughout the ages. Inventing, constructing, finding cures, financial acquisitions, and so on, conducted through ego-driven thought, create progress but at a high price to humanity and the planet. Our eroding well-being is now visible with the fraying state of our planet. Never mind terrorism, political views, greed, cultural inequality or starvation. If we deplete and destroy planet resources, we won’t have a planet to sustain near-future generations, let alone maintain conflicts over diversifying beliefs. Please understand that I am not trying to instill fear. On the contrary, my intention is to instill understanding of the truth, and eliminate fear as a motivational tool.

We have come so far in our evolution, yet so much has not changed.
We are ready for so much more in our lives!

Fear, and need for survival brought the original humans from trees and caves to explore their world, but fear also supplied clubs and weapons turned on each other to survive. The ages have brought amazing growth with awful destruction in their wake. Explicit needs spawned new inventions, beliefs, cultural development, but many times at the expense of fellow men, animals and the planet. Everything wonderful in man’s evolution continues to become tainted with toxic by-products of fear: pollution, persecution, crime, greed, disease, etc. The more “sophisticated” humanity becomes with today’s thinking, the more danger rises among all the good accomplished.

Ecologically, mounting islands of plastic floating in the oceans kill wildlife while threatening never to decompose. And plastics, while invented in the late 1800’s, didn’t become widespread in use until about only 60 years ago.

I cannot swim in the beautiful Indian River running along my current home town due to pollution from sewage and fertilizer run-off. The continued use of fossil fuels decimate the air we breathe. Pesticides are killing not only us, but birds and our precious bees needed to pollinate our crops. Genetically modified foods. Bio-hazardous chemicals. Even, preservatives in goods and foods are just a few more arrows in the sizeable quiver of planetary destruction we have created. Why? Once again because we, as a species, evolved into daily activities from a fear-based, or worse, unconscious world view—carrying on without even understanding or caring about the ecological trauma we create.

Now, let’s say the ego, as a fear-motivated, primitive tool for early humans, served its purpose during those “formative” years as protection against harsh climates, raiding tribes, and dangerous animals. As the centuries progressed and humanity evolved, so did the ego. Only, the ego grew stronger when it should have quieted. But, the ego, like the soul, is an entity within us that wishes to survive. As I said before, it does so at the expense of its carrier—and when ego thinking floods masses of people, major destruction occurs. Think of the Crusades, Slavery throughout man’s history, the Holocaust, for example.  The ego was most certainly instrumental in encouraging the arrogance that expanded empires by dividing, conquering and claiming ownership of unwilling dominions through violence and subjugation. We recall these events as history. Yet, empire after empire expired because they were founded on violence and fear. And the same subjugation continues today, if not physically through war then economically through commerce. Shall we not learn from history?

Human evolutions requires the Ego to become more silent.
Albert Einstein’s

We are now at a point in our evolution where living an ego-driven life for survival is no longer in Humanity’s best interest. Our understanding of technology, economics, and medicine, to name a few, should suffice in removing the terror of survival generated by the ego. Our intellect should be showing us that we can and may, if soul driven, use what we know to create abundance for all. Ego-driven thinking has become a careening vehicle about to take humanity over the precipice of annihilation. Soul thinking will halt the momentum.

Now, from a Darwinian perspective, I believe that humanity has evolved enough and become wise enough to recognize soul thinking as the answer to our continued co-existence with the earth. The same goes with the Creationist viewpoint. We can turn evil “off,” simply by using free will to control the ego and refuse to accept fear-based thinking, which initiated our “fall from grace” in the first place.

Let me repeat this once more: We, as human beings, can turn evil “off” simply by using free will to control the ego and refuse to accept fear-based thinking.It’s as simple as that.

Silencing the ego will take effort, but once one is aware of the internal chatter that consumes much of our waking time when we are not focused, the ego becomes easy to address—and silence.

Unless an answer to a problem enhances our physical and spiritual world, the choice should be reconsidered over and over again, until there is no negative impact. This is soul thinking. This is the approach so many of today’s young entrepreneurs and inventors are asking today’s leaders to employ. In fact, young thinkers are adopting the logic behind soul thinking into new technology, inventions and solutions, many times unknowing that they are tapping soul thinking. We should listen to our children. They are soul-evolving and smarter than we are in so many ways!

By investing in trust and instilling a belief that everything works out—because it does—results will be achieved universally and with excitement and success. By eliminating fear and trusting in understanding, the Earth will reappear as the Garden of Eden she is, and always was. Just look at a photo of the planet taken from space. The Earth is a phenomenon. The time has come to change history for ourselves, for future generations, and for the planet by calming the ego and employing soul thinking to reconnect with Creation. Simply switching gears to soul thinking will initiate solutions to overcome all existing adversities with today’s technology, global trade, and community awareness, be it across the street or across the planet.

I’m sure all this rhetoric is not new to you. But perhaps opening your eyes to the awareness that ego-driven fear propels the wrong decisions in our world, may be new information. I want to say once more that by engaging the soul to participate in every, single decision we make as individuals and a society, this downward spiral will halt shockingly fast.

The first challenge will be in getting folks to tap into their souls. Given the centuries of history behind humanity functioning from an ego-driven world view, task seems nearly impossible, especially since the soul is intangible. Yet, the ego, which has been accepted and described in so many psychological papers also is intangible. For reasons I cannot fathom, the soul has been ignored. I submit that on an evolutionary level, we have arrived. I believe humanity has evolved enough that fear is no longer necessary as a tool for survival. As a species, soul thinking is our new evolution. Once soul thinking is employed, fear will dissolve! All aspects of living will make sense. The results? An exciting, abundant and generous world where each of us, simply by who we are, combine our talents to create meaningful and joy-filled lives—which is why we were born on this jewel of a planet in the first place.

Start now. Quiet your mind, even if for a few seconds after listening to this podcast. In the silence, greet your soul and simply feel. You will feel the calm. From this point of stillness, your ability to create flows strongest. Your soul is always listening, always waiting to work for you. You will soon learn to recognize answers that arrive from soul initiated inquiry. Use your education, your inborn talents, your personality. Then, instill faith in the power of the soul and you will have all you need. Any hardships will take on a new meaning for learning. Abundance will come. I see soul-filled results daily and continue to be surprised every time I receive an answer. What a gift!

Thank you, once more, for taking the time to consider my thoughts. Do not hesitate to email me with any comments or question. You can reach me at Until then, greet each other through the eyes of your soul. I promise. You’ll see more than you ever expected.

SOS: The Soul as a Tool for Creating

SOS: Simplicity of Soul – Using Our Soul as a Creating Tool
Using our souls to communicate and create!

Click on the Link to Listen to the Podcast on The Soul as a Tool for Creating:


Katheen Ann here! Welcome to SOS: Simplicity of Soul. This is my third podcast on soul thinking—the process of living a fulfilled and gifted life simply and naturally through soul thinking. Today’s podcast explains the soul’s use as a tool for creating.

I’ve been eager to get back to this podcast and am finally grateful I found this time to continue. I actually feel like now I am driven to share what I’ve come to realize is the one unifying factor that can literally, increase our well-being, protect our planet’s ecosystem and actually, if understood and employed properly, open the flood gates for each of us to tap our talents, contribute to the world and, in return, create abundance in every facet of our lives.

Tall order? Actually, no. Soul thinking is why we were born, and it’s far more easy than you think.  I titled this podcast with the acronym, SOS, for Simplicity of Soul because SOS in Morse code means “Save Our Ship” or “Save our Souls”. I believe soul thinking will “save” us. Simplicity of Soul explains soul thinking, which simplifies our approach to life. Actually, with soul thinking, we celebrate ourselves, others and our planet. Soul Thinking is humanity’s answer to who we truly are and why we are really here. Most exciting? Soul thinking is so very simple it will blow your mind.

As I shared in Podcast 2, back in 1979, my mother took me and several of my siblings on a surprise road trip that ended in a Catholic church in Worcester Massachusetts where I experienced an incredible contact with whom I believe is the Holy Spirit. To hear the full story, I ask you to please listen to Podcast 1 where I tell this story in-depth.  (PLEASE NOTE: this blog is not a discussion based on the Catholic religion. I claim no religious denomination at all in telling this story. So, please, stick with me here.) Today, I want to explore further how fear and the chaotic ego stop us from using the power of our souls.

The Moment of Truth

As the years progressed from my initial contact, I thought constantly about my encounter. With the gift of time, I became less emotional and through thought and research, explored the possibility behind the experience. My consciousness awakened to better recognize that I had experienced existence exclusively through my soul—and that not only was it unbelievably cool, but I became palpably aware of my soul as a constant presence within me. I realized that while we all may know we have a soul, we may not completely acknowledge or understand its purpose within us, just like another organ of the body. The more I concentrated on my soul, the more I realized how my senses reacted with excitement to nature, the sound of another person’s voice, the sweetness of an inhaled breath, the connection I had with others by looking into their eyes.

The Soul As a Tool for Creating

When I was a kid, I constantly felt like something was missing in my life. That there had to be more than what I was experiencing. Well, this encounter showed me the “something” I was missing. It was a conscious connection with my soul. Once my soul connected with this source, I glimpsed absolute, sublime perfection formed as living, dynamic energy, Infinite Intelligence, Innocence and Joy. I believe I glimpsed the source of Creation—a source which translates to you and me.

I finally understood that our souls open the floodgates to endless possibilities. Why? Because our souls are a connection to the source of creation. We have been unable to recognize this fact on so many levels because fear dominates today’s world. Fear paralyzes positive productivity. When we shift to soul thinking, fear disappears. Curiosity arises and excitement takes fear’s place. With fear extinct from the human condition, creation becomes the norm. Yes. You heard me right.

When we consciously awaken to the existence of our soul, we actually become aware of our connection to everything and everyone we see and cannot see. With fear removed, we become comfortable knowing that what we cannot understand will eventually become clear. With soul thinking, seeking knowledge eventually bears Truth. We are not meant to be solitary beings. Soul thinking gathers us to each other because we all have inborn gifts we are meant to share with each other to enjoy our existence.

Nature calls to the soul
Nature Calls to the Soul

To understand and use this in-born gift of our soul, which we all already possess, is to unleash the power to be who we were born to be. As I said, once this awareness opens and fear diminishes, our curiosity heightens. We become more inclined to celebrate ourselves and everyone in our lives. Individuality suddenly doesn’t separate us from each other, but outlines the unique piece of each of us that fits the entire tapestry of creation. This new awareness from the soul actually binds us to each other. Where our soul is our spiritual life source, soul thinking awakens our awareness to the earth, this jewel of a planet, as our physical life-source. The earth is our playground. Our nurturer. Our performing stage. We understand that the earth evolved to perfectly accommodate our physical needs with all the proper elements for life. And likewise, the earth serves our spiritual needs by offering her flawless and magnificent beauty to leave us in awe.

How does one begin soul thinking? Simply and easily.

First, simply accept the fact that your soul exists. Think of the soul as another organ of the body, like our heart or our lungs. Sit quietly for a moment and probe inwards. You can even say, “Hello, soul. I am here for you.” I would not be surprised if you felt a tingling throughout your body as you greet your soul and it ignites at your recognition.

With your heart and lungs, you feel a pulse and an inhaled breath. You know your body is corded with nerve endings and veins. We’ve also seen tons of medical studies to prove the existence of electrochemical activity in the body, but we cannot visibly see this process. The same with the soul. We cannot see it. So, the soul has been little attended, except through religion and mysticism, and that perception has not always been correct. Our soul exists for use NOW, just as our organs exist for use now. Our souls are connected to our life-source of creation, giving us endless possibilities which manifest as thought. Since we cannot see this source, and there’s been no scientific proof, we tend to believe the soul, or its power as a tool, does not exist. That’s where faith comes in. You remember the Kevin Costner movie, “Field of Dreams”. When that voice whispered, “If you build it, they will come,” the same is true with the soul. If you believe it, the soul will respond.

Our soul is the spiritual organ within us that grants access to power far greater than our intellect can carry us. Simply put, our soul is our conduit to God, the source of our creation, and continues to remain open to us as a source for creating! Please, let me be clear. This is not a religious statement. This is merely a fact of truth that was given to me in a moment of fear. Whether you do or do not choose to accept the truth of the soul as our umbilical cord to God, or Creation, it does not matter. Should one choose to continue life unaware of the soul’s existence, the soul continues to exist. It simply remains as an untapped source of energy that will return to source in the end. There is no other way. Energy, once created, cannot be destroyed. And we were created. Look down at your hands and see . . . there you are.

Now, if you choose to become aware of your soul, you will feel it come alive. You will feel calmer. Fear will begin to evaporate. You may become bolder in your decisions. More confident. Our souls shimmer with the essence of our ability to channel love and create using our chosen talents. This source remains open to us in our waking lives and in our dreams. This untapped energy is endless. Soul thinking does things like turn competition into co-creating; bigotry into curiosity; anger into compassion; envy into delight at other’s abilities to create. The more used, the more soul thinking opens our awareness with fearless strength and unbounded joy. Is this resonating within you? Does it make sense? I hope so. Let me continue.

How does soul thinking affect my life?

So, what I learned to be the first, single most important point of my experience is that You and I are the product of complete, unbridled love. Secondly, I learned the futility of that stupid (Yes, I said stupid.) four-letter word: fear. Fear initiated my encounter with this Being and fear silenced me for all these years after seeing the adverse reactions folks had to me. It took years for me to finally grasp the experience in its entirety. Now, I am no longer afraid. And I’m embarrassed that it took me so long speak up.  And, I declare completely and wholeheartedly that fear is the biggest scam on earth. Let’s go deeper . . .

Soul achieves no fear
No fear hands

What If . . . Fear was eliminated from our existence? Impossible? Hmm. I tend to think the possibility exists. Sure, as an evolved species, the flight or fight instinct still rests deeply imbedded in our DNA. Folks suffer phobias and fears too numerous to discuss here. But where fear was a tool we used as evolving humans to stay alive, consider this: What if we, as a species, have finally evolved enough that fear can be eliminated as a tool for our existence? I’m not discounting common sense reactions to danger. That is different. But the approach to dangers, natural and man-made, can be approached with a sense of fearlessness.

This is why:  During my encounter, I understood right down to my core that Fear does not exist at all for the being who connected with me. I know, you may say, well, of course. That is God. Why should he be afraid of anything? But consider this, just as you are created from your parents’ genetic makeup—you know, she has her mother’s eyes. He has his father’s disposition—so are we a creation of the stuff of the Universe, or . . . our Creator. If He is fearless, then it is within us to be the same. Think of the craze we have for Super Heroes! Could it be that we are recognizing our own potential? I am thinking yes. Our admiration of excellence and amazing powers is our soul recognizing its own ability and tapping at our awareness.

How the Ego has overrun its role in creating:

I believe that fear not only halts our forward motion to success, peace and happiness, but once more, I suggest that fear exists as the biggest scam on our planet! Fear is the brainchild of our Ego. Another invisible force within us that functions primarily for our primitive survival. The ego’s goal? To keep an individual safe from “danger” at all costs—even at the expense of others. The ego triggers this primal protection mechanism by instilling fear in each of us. Even now, when it is virtually no longer needed. And fear manifests itself in a broad spectrum from raw reaction to the most sophisticated thinking. I believe that we, as humans, have evolved enough to rely less on the ego and more on our souls. It is time to remove chaos caused by ego and create perfection from our souls.

Again, I’m not talking about fear of falling, or fear of fire. Those are instinctual and intelligent responses to keep our bodies safe and whole. I’m talking about fear of knowledge. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of the unknown. Fear of a stranger, the dark, spiders, flying. You get my drift. What began as an instinctual survival method has morphed into a way of life. Why? Because the ego, just as the soul, is a living entity within us that wishes to survive. The ego is another precious tool that helps us recognize our unique selves. Our talents. Our dreams. Our goals and desires.

However, we have given our egos free rein and they have run amuck. The Ego, as a living entity, but unlike the soul, will survive at the cost of your happiness. And, it usually does. The ego stays alive and grows stronger by separating us from our souls, from ourselves and from each other. Where the soul sees the planet as a living extension of ourselves, the ego views the planet as an inexhaustible resource for one’s own needs and pleasure. The ego makes us feel separated and alone, creating the craving to be connected to someone else. The ego is our worse critic. It builds us up, then knocks us down with self-doubt. It keeps us grasping at love, happiness, wealth and success but leaves us empty when we’ve achieved these goals. That is because we use our egos and our intellect to achieve our needs without employing our souls—the third wall of the triangle for perfection.

Now, understand this, as gentle as the soul is, it steps aside to accommodate the over-active ego. (Think of the ego as the loudest person in the room.) Where the soul recognizes free will, the ego does not. Actually, the greatest battle you will have in employing soul thinking will be reigning in your ego to even acknowledge the soul exists. In order to employ soul thinking, your ego will have to learn to respect your will. The ego will have to learn to be quiet. The ego has no plans of letting go, until you demand that it remains still.

Once again, don’t get me wrong. The ego, also a creation of God, is beneficial for us. It helps us recognize our inner talents. It helps foster our intelligence with the drive to achieve. But, the ego became more important than the soul because it delivers tangible results through emotion, logic and intellect. The actions of the ego bring material wealth, intellectual achievement and self-esteem. But, without employing the soul, the ego sets us apart. The ego makes one more important than another. The ego invites the vices that keep society in chaos: greed, avarice, envy, bigotry, lust, violence . . . to name a few.  All of these vices are sources of fear. The science of psychology took time to prove the ego’s existence, so the ego is accepted. The soul and its power as a human factor goes unrecognized because goodness is usually taken for granted. And since the soul’s existence cannot be proven, for now, only faith and trust make it so.

Fear Is the Biggest Scam On Earth

Now, here is where fear is a scam. In order to thrive, the ego uses fear as the most potent form to keep us (and itself) safe. The ego whispers the heady belief that we, because of our individual talents, are better than those who are not like us. The ego insists that our individual needs take precedence over another’s, be it a loved one or a stranger. Worse, the ego fosters that a person who looks or thinks differently from us is dangerous, because they threaten our own identity. Fear has brought us the troubles facing today’s society. In politics, religion, cultural beliefs, families, the ego makes us feel so important that we need to dominate those around us—through religion, intellect, class status, or in worse case, violence—to keep our own beliefs alive and most of all, safe. Many times it is because we believe we “know what is best.” This behavior is why the soul has been completely subordinated by fear and the ego reigns in today’s cultures. The soul honors free will. The ego does not. So, once more . . . What is the ego’s motive? Plainly and simply, to stay alive. How does it rule us? Fear. The ego creates insecurities, negative thinking, shameful or angry thoughts which undermine confidence, self-love and taking calculated risks. By dominating one’s conscious mind, the ego remains completely safe. The results? Lack of ambition. Self-loathing or it’s mirror opposite, conceit. Suspicion. War. Disease. Poverty. Pollution. Greed. Crime. Illness. Or . . . surprise, surprise, the current state of much of today’s world.

Igniting the soul will cause the ego to quiet and return to its original intention of helping us discover our personal talents. The soul will tap the source of our talent with love, excitement and generosity. There will be no fear that there isn’t enough, or that someone will steal it, criticize it or instill shame. To celebrate each other’s talents is to create the tapestry that is life on earth . . . perfect symmetry.

Now, you say, but there are so many wonderful things happening in the world today. I agree. Human evolution to soul thinking is manifesting in Today’s thinkers. The Millennials, Generation X and Y ages are creating innovative and environmentally conscious materials, machines and jobs while fighting to keep the planet clean, and remain progressive with new inventions and technology. I believe the younger generations are naturally becoming soul thinkers out of sheer need. I am seeing soul thinking emerging more and more in small children and toddlers. All the wonderful, awe-inspiring happenings in the world are coming from today’s soul thinkers. Only, I’ll bet most of them don’t even know that their Soul is the corridor they are tapping to create these new world and humane solutions. Imagine if everyone consciously tapped into their Soul for their thinking? The world would be perfect. We would achieve our personal perfection and get the chance to live our lives through perfection—as was intended! I’ll bet you can feel the truth to this, even as you listen. That is your consciousness tapping into your Soul. A gift ready to serve at any age, to accomplish every talent you discover you were born to share.

Now, I know you may be thinking, perfection is impossible. There is always something wrong somewhere. Serial killers. War mongers. Physical strife. Yes. These exist now. But violence began with man’s evolution. It was necessary then. We, as a species, have evolved. It is no longer necessary to attend the Ego which drove the behaviors that create evil—for lack of a better word. I cannot believe that a war monger could pull a trigger if they functioned from their soul. Soul thinking is the new evolution to bring about the world we all desire. Fearless. Strong. Successful. Joyful. Exciting.

Let’s talk some more in Podcast 3. Let’s discuss the power of Trust and ways to lovingly invite our Egos to quiet down so that our Souls can resonate. I want to talk about how Fear traps free will, which is our freedom to choose that which is best for our growth, welfare. You will be surprised how quickly your life changes for the better when you tap into Soul Thinking. Start now. Talk to your soul. Take a minute—or a few seconds—to sit quietly and meditate on its existence. You will feel the contact. No matter why or what your life condition, everything around you will improve merely by adjusting your perception. More of this discussion in the next podcast.

Meanwhile, thank you for taking time from your busy life to listen to my thoughts. I hope this discussion either confirms or awakens the truth for you about the power of Soul Thinking in our lives and in our world.  I welcome comments or questions. Please feel free to email me at I promise I will answer.  ‘Til then, please take the time to see yourself and each other through the eyes of your soul. All you have to do is look.

Much love! Kathleen Ann

Simplicity Of Soul: Introduction to Soul Thinking

Soul Thinking: a gift for creating success, NOW!

Press the left arrow to listen to How Soul Thinking Came Into My Life:

How Soul Thinking Came Into My Life:

Kathleen Ann here! Welcome to SOS: Simplicity of Soul, my first podcast on Soul Thinking. This presentation is almost forty years in the making. Why? Because up to this point, I was too much of a coward to talk about it.  I was too worried I’d be rejected, or worse, considered crazy. Clearly, I don’t feel this way anymore, because here I am, telling my story—a story that has not left me alone in all this time.

I discovered soul thinking in 1979 through an experience that changed my life forever. But, back then, I didn’t quite realize the gift I’d been given, only that I had witnessed something life-changing.  When I tried to share my experience I became so emotional that people thought I was unhinged.  My family understood me, but trying to explain what I’d learned was too bizarre for others to accept. And it didn’t help that I’d break into tears while trying to describe an almost indescribable encounter.

So, I stopped talking. I concentrated on my life and my family just like everyone else I knew.  Today, my sons are grown and on their own. My time is now my own. What I know is very powerful, and time is up. I can no longer pretend I don’t know about this wonderful force already built into our very being.  I refuse to worry whether or not you will think I’m crazy, because what I have to share is far more important than having my feelings hurt.

Now, the story I am about to relate is true. I am convinced this information will change your life and the lives you touch. It did mine. And the best part?  This information will cost you absolutely nothing but the time it takes you to listen. So grab a cup of coffee, or go for your walk and share the next twenty-something minutes with me. My intention is to introduce you to Soul Thinking by telling my story. There is nothing difficult about Soul Thinking. It is tool already built into our being. Simply becoming aware of your own soul will tap into the beginning of Soul Thinking. You’re going to love it!


I call this podcast SOS because quite frankly with the current state the world—economically, spiritually, philosophically and ecologically—we’re out of time for long-term answers.  The younger generations are feeling the depletion of funds, morals and natural resources created by us and our progenitors. Our younger folk are feeling deceived. Robbed. Concerned for the future more strongly than we ever have. Why? Because the model by which modern society lives does not work. At best, it is self-destructive.

SOS in Morse code is popular for phrases like, “Save Our Ship”, or “Save Our Souls”, or “Send Out Succor.” Each of those phrases is appropriate for my choice of SOS: Simplicity of Soul. By understanding the reality of Soul Thinking we simplify our approach to life while creating the abundant lives we desire without harming ourselves, others or our planet. Yes. You heard me correctly. With Soul Thinking, as a species dwelling on this jewel of a planet, we can finally get a handle on who we truly are and why we are really here. Most exciting? The answer is so very simple it will blow your mind.


I am no one special.  I am my sons’ mom, a sister to seven siblings. I am a published author in several romance genres. I own a cigar company with my husband, and sell real estate. Nothing very different from what you may do. But, from a very young age, I was acutely aware of other people’s needs and feelings. I felt a deep connection to something/ someone/somewhere that I could not see. I believed I was never alone. Perhaps from being raised Catholic where my mother told us stories about God and Heaven at an early age, I imagined angels and a white-robed, bearded guardian watching over me from the clouds. Yet, something deep inside me felt an understanding about this invisible force that existed for us—within us—and I wanted a hands-on, one-on-one interaction with it.  The weird  part is, I was acutely aware that perhaps I was one of a very few five-year olds who wanted such contact.

As I went through Catholic school, I learned about saints, visionaries and young girls and boys in Lourdes and Fatima having conversations with the Mother of God. OMG! I wanted that. So, I wondered: Why wouldn’t the Blessed Mother want to talk to me?  I prayed. Begged. Chatted away in my prayers at night like we were best of friends. I used to lie in the top bunk bed in my room whispering, “Hey, it’s me. I’m over here in this top bunk in this little room. Can you hear me?”

As a kid I bought this little glow-in-the-dark statue of the Blessed Mother. One night I looked down from my bunk and saw it glowing and thought . . . oh, there she is! And then I realized, Oh . . . it’s only a glow in the dark statue. Ha!

So, as you can imagine, for all those years, I heard nothing. Not a peep. Life went on.  Meanwhile, I still felt that tie to something greater than myself.  I loved being alive. Nature thrilled me. I grew up a happy person. I finished high school—which I loved. Went to college-which I loved. Met my husband and married young. And right about then, in 1979, is when my true understanding of our existence and our journey through life ignited. Please understand that this is not a discussion on religion. I am simply recounting an experience that transcends all religious dogma. Everyone from every walk of life can appreciate this story.


Right after I was married at the ripe age of 23, my husband and I planned to move from our Amityville, New York home to Miami, Florida. My mother, upset that we were moving away, invited me and my brother and sister (not everyone wanted to go) on a road trip to spend some time together before leaving. I asked where we were going. She said it was a surprise.

Now, my mother, God bless her, is a bit of a fanatical Catholic.  So, I shouldn’t have been surprised when we ended up in the parking lot of a small, threadbare church in the heart of Worcester, Massachusetts. Mom announced that we were about to attend a charismatic service. We said, “A what?” To which she said, “You’ll see,” and herded us into the church.

Skeptical? Completely. Disappointed? Absolutely! We thought we were going somewhere fun and adventurous. My Mom was notorious for letting her religion supersede her good sense. I was convinced this was another one of those times. But, guess what. Within two hours I would experience an encounter that would change my life.

At that moment, however, my siblings and I shot each other looks as if to say, here we go again! I decided, right there and then, that if I detected any duplicity on the part of this priest for whom Mother had driven four hours, I would stand up and challenge him for taking advantage of people willing to trust him as an agent of love, truth . . . and of course, God.

We found standing room in the balcony of the packed-to-the-rafters church. I could not see the altar from the crush of folks in front of us. What I did notice was a captivating, ethereal music. Against the din of people talking, the music was the only clear sound I heard. I thought, Angels. It has to be angels singing. I never heard anything so beautiful. I sat on a step, and began weeping. Why? I still don’t know. It was my reaction to the music. But, they were tears of gratitude and I could not stop. My younger brother questioned me and I just shrugged and said, “It’s the music. I feel so foolish!”

Moments later a man began speaking. Standing along the back wall of the balcony I couldn’t see him at first but I remember thinking, if I were to hear the voice of Christ this is how He would sound. The gentleness and the purity in this man’s voice had my complete attention. Instinct told me that this man was someone special. I craned to see a young, dark-haired man in white vestment with a white cord tied around his waist walking up the center aisle of the church. No pomp. No circumstance. Humble.

I was intrigued. I wanted to hear everything this man had to say. What I didn’t know was that this priest, Father Ralph DiOrio, was conducting a healing service. After he explained how the next hour would unfold, I worked my way to the edge of the balcony as assistants starting bring people forward from the crowd. From my vantage point, I watched him pray over a young boy in a wheelchair and from my bird’s eye view, I saw one shorter leg grow to match the other healthy leg. No joke. My mind could hardly register what my eyes were witnessing. None of the other healings were as obvious, as they were internal illnesses on folks, but viewing that boy’s leg growing longer rattled me right down to my toes.

This is insane, right? That kind of healing just doesn’t happen in real life, right?

Right! But . . . what if?

After Father D’Orio finished his healings, the congregation dismissed for lunch. My mother didn’t want to miss a minute of the next half of the service so we ate sandwiches from paper lunch bags she had prepared. So, I took the time to air my thoughts with my siblings.

Despite the fact that I was awed by the boy in the wheelchair, after discussing what I’d witnessed, a healthy dose of skepticism rose among us. The others hadn’t seen the boy’s leg grow because I’d moved to a better view on the balcony, but they were on board with me. To my mother’s complete irritation, my siblings and I decided that unless we saw proof, there had to be a gimmick here. The morning’s events simply could not have been possible.

Since it only took minutes to eat, Mom rushed us back into the church to claim better seats. The five of us ended up in wooden pews smack in the middle, right-hand side of the church. Mom was pleased. I was surprised at how quickly the church filled to the balcony once again. It wasn’t long before Fr. DiOrio returned. Quiet, peaceful as before, but meditative. His intentions were clear for the rest of the service, but looking back, I wonder if he knew what was about to happen. And when it did, how did he keep so cool?

Fr. DiOrio invited everyone to hold hands with the person next to them. Then, he asked us to close our eyes and simply listen. He intended to pray out loud. He said our silence and listening made his one prayer our own, and therefore more powerful. So he began.

I can’t quit remember everything he said. I do remember he spoke of the power of angels. The power of our guardian angels. The beauty of the earth and the breath of the Holy Spirit present on the planet. And then, with my eyes closed, the clatter began. Thump. Bump. Bump. I opened my eyes. All around me people were collapsing. In front of me. Behind me. Above in the balcony, one man seemed unconsciousness and was hanging over the edge.

People began shouting. Women screamed. Father DiOrio immediately instructed everyone not to touch anyone who’d fallen. He explained that the Holy Spirit united with their souls causing their bodies to lose motor skills. They were unharmed. Having a spiritual moment. If we touched them, it would break the connection with the Divine.

Terrified, my younger sister broke her handhold with my brother and bolted from the church. I learned afterwards that she locked herself in the car and cried. None of my family members had “gone down” as I called it, but my mother was swaying ominously. Horrified, I jammed my eyes shut and said this prayer as fervently as I could to the one and only God I know.

I said, “I know you’re out there, God, and you know I love you. But, You’d better listen, and listen good. I’ve fainted all my life. I hate the feeling. I am NOT GOING DOWN!”

At that moment, with my eyes closed, this brilliant, overwhelmingly spotlight-white light ignited inside my head. I felt as if I was mentally squinting to shield my eyes from the blaring radiance. Within this light, a golden triangle appeared that expanded until my head was filled with these shimmering, trilateral edges alive like molten, liquid gold. So beautiful. I remember sighing out loud.

I never expected what happened next:  an eye appeared inside the triangle. Long-lashed, this magnificent Eye opened. I can’t be sure of the color but I’d say light blue, like the most perfect, sun-filled day. Awed as I watched the eye open, I felt something inside me move. I was lifted on a current of energy, my arms outstretched like flying. As I flowed toward this eye, I realized I was still standing, holding hands with my mother and brother. Yet, I was in motion, moving out of my body and streaming toward the eye. . . into what? The Universe.

Upon later reflection, I realized my soul had connected with this power moving through the church while my body stood still. The fact that I could see where I was traveling proved that my soul has vision. I was intact. Whole, yet without my body. I was consciously and completely experiencing my soul freed from the physical.

Can you imagine this story coming from a good Catholic, raised by the rules, don’t-question-only-obey type of girl? You can see why folks thought my story bizarre, especially when, back then, I related this story like a blubbering idiot! The experience remained overwhelming for me for a very long time. But, let me continue.

Lifted on this current of energy, I flew through the pupil of this Eye as if soaring through the window of all windows. This sudden shift in my reality happened too fast for me to question, as one with the energy, I literally soared into the Universe. Everything felt soft, comfortable, familiar and vast. The darkness had substance. The light of stars had substance. Awed, I felt the energy moving me forward. I felt completely safe, as if flying through space was a natural occurrence. You know how scientists say the Universe is traveling outwards as a result of the original Big Bang theory? I was racing outward with the stars and galaxies moving away from me at the same pace that I was heading toward them. I could feel the energy running through me, out my fingertips to the left and to the right. I felt euphoric. I felt calm, energized, free. For a brief moment, a wave of understanding washed over me. I understood everything. The meaning of Creation. The purpose of life. Why we are here. I remember saying, “Oh! It is all so simple! How could we not know?”

Why were we created? Why are we here? For one simple reason. Love. Now, I know you have heard this before, but please listen closely. It is so important that you understand the following: You and I are the Creation of an outpouring of unlimited, unbridled Love. We are the manifestation (I want to say the explosion) of an overwhelming emotion that ignited simply because the Joy of creating us could not be contained. You and I exist on this perfect, renewing planet (another outpouring of love and perfection, by the way) simply to experience and share what our Creator felt: LOVE. How are we supposed to experience this phenomenon? Simply by being who we were born to be. Do you notice I keep saying the word, simply? Soul Thinking is simple. Inborn. Ready for us to tap at any time.

Now, this Being with whom I connected was larger than life, and the purest, most innocent and joyful form of Existence I have ever known. I felt infinitesimal next to this swirling dynamo of fiery energy. It’s so hard to put into words. . . but this Being was like a mountain of contained, happy, burning power. No form. Pure energy. I realized that when scripture says, “Fear the Lord for He is great,” it’s not that he is damning. No! He is such a dynamo of complete and pure compassion that to realize our form compared to his is terrifying! And, what stunned me was that  this powerful, omnipresent Being was like an innocent child, smarter than existence itself, yet disarmingly and exquisitely charming. It seemed to me that this Being cannot comprehend hate, fear, unkindness, tragedy, violence, suffering, loss, depression, despondency, greed or lack. Negative emotions such as these—experiences such as these—did not exist for this Being. At all. Not in the least. If I generated such an emotion, it would bounce of its surface. The beauty of it? At that moment, I did not believe anything negative existed either. I was sharing the wonderment of simply being.

Do you understand what I am saying? If I tried to explain a single negative expression to this Being, it would be as if He could not hear me. As if while expressing such earthly pain I would become invisible, because for this Being, pain does not exists. It is not a manifestation of God, therefore, simply does not exist. Suffering experienced on earth is not a manifestation of God, but men. And God did not intend suffering as part of his Creation.

I am saying that Truth is Joy. Truth is Fearless. Truth is Innocence because nothing negative exists in reality outside the earth to believe otherwise. Negative emotion simply DOES NOT EXIST in the realm of Perfection. So those negative things we feel as humans must be stepping stone—or gifts—for us to reach a higher level of understanding joy. And we’ve brought these upon ourselves.

What we fail to understand as human beings is that we are a part of this Perfection. We were created as an outpouring of love from the sheer joy of Creating Perfection from Perfection. Each and every human being is a perfect machine carrying a perfect soul. Our bodies leave our mothers when we are born, but our soul—which was part of our creation—stays with us. Our soul is our umbilical cord to all that is possible. Fear is the only tool holding any of us back from believing in the power of our soul. We can do anything. When we trust from our soul—our tie to Creation, and dare I say, to God—everything works out.

Can you comprehend the possibility? Please take some time to think about this information after we finish, because, that was not the end of my story. To top off this breathtaking experience, this Being spoke to me. I heard Him (and I say, ‘him’, because the message seemed masculine) from behind my right ear. He said simply:

 I am so gentle. I would never harm you.

Simply. Softly spoken. And, not what I expected to hear. (Actually, I didn’t expect to hear anything!) Remember, I started this encounter in a state of terror.  I demanded that I not be harmed. Yet, from this Being, there was no condemnation, no criticism. Only a quiet explanation of what is true. I wanted to throw my arms up and leave with this Being, never to come back again. (I felt as if the invitation was there.) But, I suddenly remembered I was standing in a church and that I was recently married and my husband and family would not know what happened to me. I said out loud, “They won’t know what happened.”

And with that, the Eye closed. And was gone. I sucked in a huge breath and opened my eyes to see I still stood in the same church holding hands with my mother and brother. Knees trembling and near tears, I looked from one to the other and whispered, “Did anybody else see that?”

My mother and other siblings had not. My brother and sister had enough and begged my mother to leave. Not sure what else to do, my mother piled us into the car to head home. I don’t know what she expected to happen on the visit to the charismatic healing, but she didn’t want her children to be hysterical with fear and speaking about visions that sounded impossible.

So, in retrospect, the day was a bust for mother, but changed my life forever. And now, I am sharing this experience with you because I am no longer afraid. I finally understand that even when I don’t understand something that is happening, I don’t have to worry. I simply have to trust by opening my soul to answers, and believe. Move forward. Everything unfolds as it should. This is Soul Thinking.  It is that simple. The only trick is to recognize your soul, and understand its purpose, which is to bring you to your fullest potential. And, in so doing, everyone around you reaches their potential. Soul Thinking is a win-win situation for everyone.

In my podcasts to come, I want to share why I found this experience so terrifying when all was said and done. I want to discuss my new understanding of fear.  I want to explain how my understanding of Soul Thinking evolved from this experience. I want to discuss how to tap into and trust Soul Thinking. I want to talk about fear and how useless this emotion is to our existence. I have so much more to discuss with you. I’m sure you have questions, perhaps criticisms. I am happy to address each one. But, for now, it is time to close.

Thank you for taking time from your busy day to listen to my story. I hope this discussion either confirms or awakens the truth for you about the power of our soul in our lives and in our world.  I welcome questions or feedback. Please feel free to email me at I promise I will answer.  ‘Til then, please see yourself and each other through the eyes of your soul. All you have to do is look.

Much love! Kathleen Ann